Choral Society "Lira" has badge for its members. Pattern of the badge was created by a famous artist Henryk Janas.
Our badge pictures Lyre and is made out of silver. For special achievement or contribution for Society are conceded Silver and Gold Diplomas as well as gilded and gold badges. In October 1999 we obtained a banner for Society.
On the obverse there is a gold lyre (accordingly to the pattern). On the reverse there is an eagle and St. Cecilia - patron of music. The banner was made in embroidering shop of famous artist Julia Drozd-Pobielska. It has ebony flagstaff with the tip made by Henryk Janas.
Our badge pictures Lyre and is made out of silver. For special achievement or contribution for Society are conceded Silver and Gold Diplomas as well as gilded and gold badges. In October 1999 we obtained a banner for Society.
On the obverse there is a gold lyre (accordingly to the pattern). On the reverse there is an eagle and St. Cecilia - patron of music. The banner was made in embroidering shop of famous artist Julia Drozd-Pobielska. It has ebony flagstaff with the tip made by Henryk Janas.